
Parking Reforms

Charge demand-based prices for on-street parking to create one or two open spaces on every block

Charge demand-based prices for off-street parking to optimize occupancy

Establish Parking Benefit Districts that use the revenue from on-street parking to finance public services on the metered streets

Remove minimum parking requirements

Offer commuters the option to cash out their employer-paid parking subsidies

Want to Reduce Traffic Congestion? Cash Out Employer-Paid Parking.Planetizen,

Convert garages into apartments

Use demand-based prices to manage parking on university campuses

University transit-pass programs

Use parking fines that increase with each successive offense to discourage repeat violators

Use a two-tier placard reform to end the abuse of disabled placards

Offer discounts at parking meters for residents, small cars and low-emissions vehicles

Devote meter revenue during holiday shopping to charity

Require solar panels above large parking lots

Zoning Reforms

Allow higher density on larger sites to encourage land assembly

Remove minimum parking requirements

Fiscal Reforms

Require property owners to repair broken sidewalks and plant street trees before they sell their property

Allow property owners to defer paying special assessments until a property is sold

Return congestion toll revenue to the cities where it is collected

Use the revenue from on-street parking to finance local public services